Rescue A Kidnapped Girl
Support U.S. efforts to save Leah Sharibu from a lifetime of slavery in Nigeria.
Rescue A Kidnapped Girl
Support U.S. efforts to save Leah Sharibu from a lifetime of slavery in Nigeria.
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Leah Sharibu and 109 other girls at her school were kidnapped on February 19, 2018, by the U.S.-designated Muslim terror group Boko Haram. Five girls died and 104 were released several months later—but not Leah. She was only 14 years old. As a Christian, Leah refused to convert to Islam, and her captors declared her their “slave for life” because she would not renounce Christ.
The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) designated Nigeria as a “Country of Particular Concern” (CPC) because people of faith are routinely kidnapped, abused, and murdered for their faith. The USCIRF also recognized Leah as an official Religious Prisoner of Conscience, despite the fact that the U.S. State Department does not currently list Nigeria as a “Country of Particular Concern.”
Leah turned 21 on May 14, 2024—her sixth birthday in captivity. She is believed to still be alive. On April 12, 2024, Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-FL) introduced H.Res. 1142 that calls on the government of Nigeria to “prioritize the recovery of women and girls who have been abducted and enslaved by Boko Haram,” as well as calling on the Biden Administration to redouble its efforts to “address the grevious threat posed by Boko Haram and other violent organizations….” There is not related bill in the Senate.
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