Pray for Turkey and Syria

Earthquake survivors need your prayer in the midst of immense suffering.

Pray for Turkey and Syria

Pray for Turkey and Syria

Earthquake survivors need your prayer in the midst of immense suffering.

God Hears Prayer!

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Tell the world you prayed for all those Turkey and Syria who are affected by the earthquake.

*CBN values your privacy and will never give out your email.

581 Signatures So Far

Your Prayer Matters!

Thank you for petitioning Heaven on behalf of earthquake survivors in Turkey and Syria. We are grateful for your commitment to prayer.

Your voice will join prayer warriors around the world who are dedicated to urgently praying for those in need. As our special thank-you for signing, you’ll receive the quarterly email Prayer Advocate Alert with the latest information about each of CBN’s Faith In Action petitions.

For this project to expand and make an even greater difference in the world, please consider a one-time or monthly gift. With your gift, CBN will pursue more prayer petitions as our partner CBN News continues to report on issues critical to people of faith worldwide. Sign. Act. Pray. Together, Let’s Change the World.

Share This Petition!

A 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit portions of Turkey and Syria on February 6, 2023. Almost 50,000 people have died and many millions are still without adequate shelter in the midst of winter. The weather and conditions are challenging for rescue teams in search of survivors. Please join us in praying for those who are suffering!

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